Friday, May 30, 2008

meth vs heroin

Methadone is a prescription drug works by alleviating the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. A stable and sufficient blood level of methadone stops the chronic craving for opioids. Since methadone has a much longer acting ‘high’ than some other opioids, such as heroin, one oral dose daily prevents the beginning of opioid withdrawal symptoms such as: anxiety, restlessness, runny nose, tearing, nausea and vomiting for about 24 hours or longer.Methadone reduces the euphoric (ecstatic) effects of other opioids (cross tolerance), without necessarily causing euphoria, sedation or analgesia. This means, self-administered illicit opioids will not lead to euphoria, making it less likely that they will either use illegal opioids or overdose.

stig·ma (st g m )
n. pl. stig·ma·ta (stig-mä) or stig·mas
1. A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach: "Party affiliation has never been more casual . . . The stigmata of decay are everywhere" Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. See Synonyms at
2. A small mark; a scar or birthmark.
3. Medicine A mark or characteristic indicative of a history of a disease or abnormality.
4. Psychology A mark or spot on the skin that bleeds as a symptom of hysteria.
5. stigmata Bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, usually occurring during states of religious ecstasy or hysteria.
6. Biology A small mark, spot, or pore, such as the respiratory spiracle of an insect or an eyespot in certain algae.
7. Botany The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.
8. Archaic A mark burned into the skin of a criminal or slave; a brand.

There is a lot of social stigma about methadone usage. It is used on the street but it is still a drug that is administered by doctors to help with the overcome of heroin addictions. It is given in small amounts just enough to work. Because the ‘high’ lasts longer than other opiates the person using methadone only has to take it at the most once a day to stop the side effects of heroin withdrawal. People believe that drugs like that no matter what they are for are bad. Also, people think that methadone is no better than heroin.

“it is likely that you would again hear negative opinions, such as "that stuff doesn't work," or "that stuff is no better than heroin."

If we as a society paid more attention to the fact that they are trying to help kick their habits then the fact that they are using methadone they will feel better about going to the doctors and getting help, then trying to do it on their own. If they think that people are just going to hassle them more about using methadone they will not seek help and will most likely die on the streets.Methadone is quite like nicotine replacement therapy for smoker trying to quit. They are given the gum or the patch that give s them lower amounts of nicotine then smoking with very little side effects.

“NRTs are used (in conjunction with behavioural support) to relieve withdrawal symptoms—they produce less severe physiological alterations than tobacco-based systems and generally provide users with lower overall nicotine levels than they receive with tobacco. An added benefit is that these forms of nicotine have little abuse potential since they do not produce the pleasurable effects of tobacco products—nor do they contain the carcinogens and gases associated with tobacco smoke. Behavioural treatments, even beyond what is recommended on packaging labels, have been shown to enhance the effectiveness of NRTs and improve long-term outcomes.”

The difference between methadone and nicotine replacement is that you must have a doctor’s prescription in order to obtain the methadone and you can just get the nicotine gum or patch just by going to the pharmacy. This is so that people just don’t come in and buy meth and go and sell it on the streets. It is also so that the person having to take the methadone to stop heroin can only have the amount he needs to get better. The doctors need to be able to keep an eye on the patents so that things do not get out of control. Meth vs herion. which one is better?